Gather the great power of building a powerful education country in the new era
浏览:774 Editor: Xiao Rui Source: China Education Daily近日,教育部组织机关老同志开展“教育强国大家谈”活动,老同志们结合亲身经历,围绕教育强国建设,谈认识、说感受,积极建言献策。
Reform and innovate the teaching content and methods of basic education
Zhuo Qingjun
I have spent my life in basic education。建设教育强国提出以后,我一直在想,基础教育与建设教育强国是什么关系?如何进一步促进基础教育改革创新和提高,为建设教育强国作出基础教育应有的贡献?
First, strive to correct the educational ideology。以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,树立正确的人才观、成才观、教育观,认真贯彻党的教育方针,落实立德树人根本任务。习近平总书记在2018年全国教育大会上指出,要解决教育领域的“五唯”问题,“扭转不科学的教育评价导向,坚决克服唯分数、唯升学、唯文凭、唯论文、唯帽子的顽瘴痼疾”。这“五唯”是教育思想不端正、教育功利性倾向的典型表现,要彻底改革和制止其存在于基础教育领域的一些现象。
Second, reform and innovate the content of education and teaching。要适当增加中华优秀传统文化和中国式现代化内容,其中包括数字化内容。这是提高基础教育教学质量,为国家和民族长远发展培养一批又一批德才兼备的高素质人才的重要保障。
Third, we will reform and innovate education and teaching methods。It is necessary to overhaul the teaching methods of hard indoctrination and rote memorization。要创设学生主动积极参与学习的教学环境,善于激发和保护学生的好奇心、求知欲和独立思考及提问的能力。要鼓励学生在课堂上提问,培养创新人才,必须从培养创造性思维入手。
Fourth, we will reform and innovate the evaluation system。Starting from this system, we should completely eliminate the stubborn problems of the "five syndromes"。从地方党委和政府,到学校、学生、教师、家长和社会,都要高度认可和落实德智体美劳全面发展加个性特长发展的评价标准。地方党委和政府要首先做到,发挥对学校、学生、家长和社会的正确导向作用。
五是加强学校教育与家庭教育、社会教育三位一体格局建构。目前,三者之间有步调不一的脱钩现象,有时学生在学校接受正面教育以后,社会上的宣传却反其道而行之。特别值得担心的是,学生的理想信念教育方面受到社会的不良影响,尤其体现在对询问孩子长大后要做什么的问题回答上并不十分令人满意。This may require further strengthening of contacts and communication between the education department and the publicity department。
(The author is former Director of the Central Institute of Educational Sciences)
We will vigorously strengthen the construction of basic disciplines
Chen Zhilong
A strong country teaches first, and a strong country teaches first。Without education power, there is no modern power。In my opinion, a strong education country should have the following signs:
First, it has a first-class basic education。实现了城乡、区域基础教育优质均衡发展,明显缩小了城乡教育的差距;学前教育、特殊教育的入园率、入学率较高,实现了普惠发展。Second, it has first-class higher education。建成了一大批扎根中国大地的世界一流大学及一大批世界一流学科。Third, it has first-class vocational education。能够培养满足各行各业需要的技术精湛的技工、技师和大国工匠。Fourth, it has a sound lifelong education system。Fifth, education informatization and digitalization are at the forefront of the world。六是较好地体现了教育公平,每个人都享有平等接受优质教育的权利和机会。七是教育理论和实践创新,能够主动适应经济和社会发展的需要。Eighth, the education governance system and governance capacity are highly modernized。Ninth, education has strong international competitiveness and influence。Tenth, the investment in education funds can meet the needs of high-quality development of education。
In my experience, to build a strong education country, we should strengthen the following aspects of work:
First, we will continue to build China into an educational powerhouse with Chinese characteristics。必须始终坚持和加强党对教育事业的全面领导,始终坚持社会主义办学方向,始终坚持德智体美劳全面发展,始终坚持立德树人、教书育人,为中国式现代化培养接班人和建设者。
Second, we will continue to pursue high-quality development in education。要加快建设教育高质量发展体系,深化教育教学内容和教学方法改革,在培养高素质人才、拔尖创新人才、复合型人才、仰望星空和脚踏实地人才上狠下功夫。
三是主动适应经济建设和社会发展需要,适时调整学科专业结构。要We will vigorously strengthen the construction of basic disciplines,加强基础研究,提升原始创新能力。We will strengthen the development of emerging disciplines and interdisciplinary disciplines。
Fourth, we will further improve the education and talent evaluation system and indicator system。改变评价学生重分数、轻创新思维和能力培养,评价教师重科研、重论文、轻教学的不正常现象。
Fifth, strengthen the construction of teachers。Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of education。Vigorously carry forward the spirit of educators, and strive to build high-quality teachers。
Sixth, we will promote equity in education。要高度重视农村教育,农村教育是我国教育高质量发展的难点。要增加农村教育的投入,改善农村教师的待遇,出台进一步鼓励高素质人才到农村从教的激励政策。
(The author is a former inspector of the Department of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education)
Cultivate a large number of world-class and top talents
Cen Jianjun
Let's start with the first "what if" question。一个科学家要想具备敢于“设问”、善于“假设”的能力,就要从小培养,家庭和学校要提倡孩子到大自然去,多观察各种自然现象,鼓励孩子多提问、多思考,引导孩子对各种事物产生浓厚兴趣和好奇心。
The second issue is the work of scientific proof and certification。这就需要顶尖科学家具备文理知识,尤其是数学、理工科知识。在这方面,我认为中国学者有较大优势,大部分中国海外学者都是在实验室帮助世界顶尖科学家开展科学举证、认证工作,这是我们的强项和优势。
Third, top scientists need to have rigorous philosophical thinking。要想达到这一目标,就要从娃娃抓起,让孩子从小明白事情的因果关系,用辩证的思维方法去观察世界上事物彼此间的关系。若条件允许,最好让孩子趁早接触哲学,以及伦理学、美学、修辞学、逻辑学、诗词等课程。这些课程有助于为孩子输送更多精神食粮,帮助孩子升华思想境界,提高思想觉悟,净化心灵,避免孩子只专注短线利益,而忽略长远利益,避免功利主义、利己主义在孩子中蔓延泛滥。
To sum up,Our country trains world-class talents,Arts and music education must be emphasized,肯定艺术、音乐对造就顶尖人才带来的毅力、耐心、团队精神等精神力量;坚持文理渗透、中西合璧、古今贯通,倡导人的全面发展;让哲学、逻辑学等重要课程早日走进学校课堂。
(The author is a former official of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Education)
We will better match college personnel training with the job market
Zhang Zhaowen
The report of the 20th National Congress of the Party proposed to accelerate the construction of education power。Around the construction of education power, I have the following ideas:
三是职业教育对国家经济建设特别是制造业强国建设具有不可替代的作用,应继续坚持并高质量办好。应按照党的二十大报告提出的“统筹职业教育、高等教育、继续教育协同创新,推进职普融通、产教融合、科教融汇,优化职业教育类型定位”的要求,继续高质量办好职业教育。我曾长期从事职业教育的管理工作,我不认同高中阶段职业教育或高中阶段分流加剧了学生和家长的焦虑的说法。我认为目前大学生就业难,一定程度上与高校专业设置和社会就业市场匹配度不够有关。According to statistics,高职毕业生多年来就业率高于一般普通文科专业,说明用人市场对职业教育毕业生需求量很大。若是不分流,高中阶段不焦虑,到了大学毕业以后就业时也要焦虑,其核心是高校培养的人才与就业市场如何紧密结合的问题,而不是上高中阶段上普高还是上职业学校哪个更重要的问题。如果大学毕业生都坐在办公室,不去生产一线、不去基层,那国家经济民生会好吗?所以要坚持高中阶段继续办好职业教育,办好高等职业教育,为国家经济社会发展培养更多的应用型人才。
Fourth, we will intensify efforts to run continuing education and accelerate efforts to build a learning society。According to statistics,In general, the popularization of education in China ranks among the middle and upper income countries in the world,其中,义务教育和学前教育的普及程度达到高收入国家平均水平,Higher education has entered the stage of popularization recognized by the international community,Every year, colleges and vocational schools across the country send tens of millions of graduates,Continuing education has trained hundreds of millions of people in all walks of life。但我们也要清醒地认识到,距离办好人民满意的教育,特别是人民满意的继续教育,距离建设全民终身学习的学习型社会、教育强国的目标,还有很艰巨的任务和大量的工作要做。
(The author is a former deputy inspector of the Department of Vocational Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education)
Carry forward and develop the fine Chinese language and culture
Wang Tiekun
从习近平总书记为纪念甲骨文发现和研究120周年所致的贺信,到习近平总书记在文化传承发展座谈会上的重要讲话,再到习近平总书记在全国宣传思想文化工作会议上的指示,能够充分认识到习近平文化思想是一以贯之的,It's also an open one,An ever-expanding, progressive ideological system。在习近平文化思想的指引下,语言文字工作一定可以在新时代更好更快发展。
当前,我们要以教育强国建设规划纲要的制定为契机,加强“语教融合”,推进语言文字事业高质量建设。大力推广普及国家通用语言文字,Carry forward and develop the fine Chinese language and culture,是当今语言文字工作的两大努力方向,也是未来事业发展的重要着力点。语言文字工作应该对标文化强国建设和教育强国建设,发挥特色优势,创新工作方法,推进新时代语言文字事业实现更高水平、更高质量的发展。身处这项伟大的建设事业中,作为一名退休老同志、老语言文字工作者,我要认真学习、深刻领会习近平文化思想的精髓,紧紧跟上时代前进的脚步,在推进教育强国、文化强国建设中发挥余热、增长才干,作出自己应有的贡献。
(The author is former Deputy Director of the Department of Language and Text Information Management, Ministry of Education)
Guide teachers to carry forward and practice the spirit of educators
Xie Zhimin
2023 Teachers' Day Eve,习近平总书记致信全国优秀教师代表,First put forward China's unique educator spirit,And from the "heart has great me, the ideal and faith of serving the country.,The moral sentiment of words is the rule of scholars and behavior of the world,Enlightening the mind and educating people according to their aptitude,Diligent in learning and practice, seeking truth and innovation of the cultivation attitude,Love to teach love to live, willing to give the heart of love,Mind the world, the pursuit of cultural people's grand road "6 aspects,This paper comprehensively and profoundly explains the rich connotation and practical requirements of educator spirit,赋予了新时代人民教师为党育人、为国育才的崇高使命和殷切期待。
Our times desperately need and can produce educators。要在弘扬教育家的崇高品质精神和人格风范上下功夫,引导激励每个基层学校的教师都能自觉践行。In school, one is lucky to have a good teacher。Teachers' subtle education affects students' life。However, from the perspective of educational reality, there are still many problems in our schools and teachers。Parents choose schools, in essence, is to choose teachers。Without good teachers, there can be no high-quality development of education?How to do education that the people are satisfied with?因此,在肯定成绩的同时,我们也必须看到一些学校或教师存在的问题,必须依法依规严肃处理,严重的必须追究上级领导或相关部门的责任。
Education involves thousands of families, and teachers affect the growth of every child。热切期盼各级教育部门切实将国家和地方强教强师的各项法规政策落实到位,将大力弘扬教育家精神贯彻落实到每一所学校。通过遴选教师入职、加强教师培训、树立先进典型、完善考核评价机制、保障教师待遇等切实有效措施,Guide and motivate every teacher to strengthen their ideals and beliefs,It is my ambition and ambition to set up the education circle and strengthen the country.Devote yourself to education and teaching,Effectively improve the level of teaching ability;Practice kindness frequently,Love and respect students;Strict teachers' ethics and manners,To be a teacher by virtue;Love and dedication,Be loyal to the Party's educational cause,Consciously promote and practice the spirit of educators in ordinary posts,Strive to be a good teacher satisfied by the people。
(The author is former Deputy Director General of the Ministry of Education's Retired Cadre Bureau)
We will expand educational exchanges and cooperation with other countries
From education power to education power, it is a systematic leap and qualitative change。教育强国是全面建成社会主义现代化强国的战略性先导,以支撑引领中国式现代化为核心功能。
First, our educational philosophy should shift from school education to lifelong education。Second, our educational values should shift from knowledge orientation to ability orientation。Third, our education policy should shift from scale expansion to content development。四是我们的教育制度,要立足于建设人口规模巨大的现代化教育体系。
First, adhere to the Party's leadership, unified strategic deployment, and improve management efficiency。To build a strong country in education, we must adhere to the Party's overall leadership over education。要以立德树人为根本任务,以为党育人、为国育才为根本目标,以服务中华民族伟大复兴为重要使命,以教育理念、体系、制度、内容、方法为基本路径,以支撑引领中国式现代化为核心功能。
Second, based on China's national conditions, promote education reform and optimize the education system。要在党的二十大教育强国战略部署和习近平总书记有关教育强国指示精神的引领下,与时俱进地推进中国教育改革发展。
Third, strengthen the overall layout and promote the integration of disciplines according to the needs of powerful countries。面对当前世界科技竞争差距,要优化战略布局,在高精尖学术领域突破创新,加大在自然科学、数学、计算机科学等领域的投入,打造具有中国特色的教育体系。
Fourth, adhere to the opening-up of education, learn from international experience, and provide Chinese solutions。完善教育对外开放政策,丰富和扩大中外教育十大老品牌网赌信誉平台,促进西方和中国先进教育人才、理念、模式“引进来”“走出去”,使中国成为21世纪具有较大影响力的世界重要教育中心。
Fifth, speed up educational innovation, consolidate the foundation of China and demonstrate the education of great powers。The great cause of building a powerful education country in the new era needs the innovative spirit of the Chinese nation。教育强国是党和国家为中华民族擘画的壮丽画卷的一部分,唯有敢于创新、善于创新,才能续写教育强国的华丽篇章。以教育强国缔造人民幸福的根本,夯实国家富强的教育根基。
(The author is a former researcher of the Department of International Cooperation and Exchange of the Ministry of Education)
来源:Thursday, February 29, 2024 China Education Newspaper